(Incl Aptmnts)

Number of Sales 200 1 9
Value of Sales $86,993,716 $385,000 $1,316,719
Median List Price $349,500 $0 $167,500
Median Sell Price $380,000 $385,000 $150,000
Median Days to Sell 22 35 130
Median Govt Valuation $300,000 $320,000 $120,000
Freehold 151 1 8
Leasehold 1 0 0
Existing 200 1 9
New 0 0 0




1 Bdrm

BdrmBdrmBdrm5 Bdrms+
Bedrooms 0 33 106 49 12




Up to 400

400 - 800800 - 1200Over 1200
Land Area (Sq. m. 29 98 43 15